Monday 23 March 2009

Whispers In The Silence

I would like to think that there are many more individuals out there, questioning and thinking over the Milo & JJ situation and i would like to ask those who have kept quiet until now to come forward and voice their opinions as well as give their input , regardless of where they stand. It is vital we gain as much information, critisism and questioning as possible so we can move forward from this situation and really begin to make changes for the future of Avian Welfare.


  1. Do we have any updates on the 2 macaws? it seems to have gone very quiet on both blogs

  2. Caron and Paul will be able to fill you in more on Mylo, but to the best of my knowledge he is happy and doing really well.

    It would seem that JJ is not fairing too well, I would just like to reiterate what has already been said, by saying it is perfect logic that JJ joins Milo where he is happy and thriving instead of Mylo joining JJ who is at the opposite end of the scale.

  3. Ahh i see, well it is another prime opportunity to pose the question to UKPR if the bird in question was taken to a qualified avian vet and what was the diagnosis, or was an amateur judgement made?

    The money that is taken in the form of a donation should be used in instances such as the one mentioned.

    You raise a perfectly valid point with regards to a PM after the birds death, i would doubt that this took place as the owner was under the impression from what i can gather that the bird died as a result of plucking.

    Yes, why 4 days to inform the 'concerned owner'?

    It would seem UKPR will have alot more questions to answer than they originally anticipated.

  4. The trouble being, all those that WOULD raise those questions have been BANNED.

    I do hope that the majority of the misguided, do see sense.

  5. Sooner or later the penny drops for all

  6. Would just like to reassure all that Mylo continues to be happy and well.

    I'm saddened to hear of JJ's accelerated plucking especially as Adele told me when she rang just over a week ago that JJ was showing no signs of missing Mylo whatsoever. Very surprised that there have been no recent evidential photos of JJ as this would have been exactly what I would have expected UKPR to present under the circumstances.

    Regarding Cherry... I saw this bird at Jay's home the day before Mylo arrived here just over three weeks ago. Apart from her plucking she appeared fit and well and Jay made no mention of any illness only commenting on the fact that he was looking for another Eclectus to pair with her.

    I think in Jay's position I would have wanted a PM/vet report to prove that Cherry had actually passed away.

  7. "Why wait four days"???...

    Perfect excuse for not now being able to obtain a PM/vet's report perhaps?

  8. from what i belive you wrote on your blog adele rang you over 2 weeks ago???

    has she rang again?

  9. I think this is really shameful, I thought that this blog was going to be more about animal welfare rather than the hate campaign of the other blog.
    Why do we need 2 blogs attacking 1 group?

    With regards to the poor bird that died it only took me a day to find out that the birds previous owner is aware and is not unhappy (so why are you) that a post mortem was carried out and the past owner is aware of this.

    So why is this even a topic being used to fuel a fire of hate against UKPR? the only thing I can see here is it is because this bird was taken from the emergancy carer by UKPR because they had concerns over the birds welfare (and rightly so from all accounts)

    From past experiances I am now expecting a lot of comments of the "have you seen this with your own eyes!!" "don't believe everything you hear" etc etc

    I had hoped that I would see cohesive arguments put on this blog and for a wide range of discussion around animal rights and welfare - ones that UKPR and many other organisations could comment on.

    This is not a blog for positive change rather a blog for negative comments.

  10. It simply astonishes me that certain people interpret having their actions questioned as an 'attack' or 'hate campaign'

    This perception appears to be an integral facet of the whole UKPR mentality.

    Ask a question they don't want to answer and... BANNED!

    The option of silencing questions isn't available on this platform so a change of tack is required... Label the people asking the questions as 'liars' and 'hate campaigners' staging a 'vendetta'

    Attack is the best form of defence?

  11. ukpr watch, ask a third party who has nothing to do with you blog to read it and see what they say, i did and the answer i got back was blimey this lady has a real problem! and yes hate campaign was used as well!
    but this is my opinion and the blog we are on now at the moment says i am allowed one.
    i posted previously about whether this blog was just another anti ukpr blog and the answer i got was no its not, however it does not appear to be anything else at the moment.
    and i still stand by my comments that to drag the death of a pet into your personal argument is shameful

  12. I can assure you that some very relevant third parties have indeed, read the blog in detail.

    And, no, my having a 'problem' and 'hate campaign' were certainly not amongst the informed responses.

  13. As per your comment "Sleep with dogs you catch fleas flakey, and all your PL friends are now watching you defending these people's crimes against people and innocent rescue bids, on this blog.

    Please think about your actions!

    I thought I'd just like to say, I do not care who on P L is watching me. I am my own person, I do as I please and I say as I please. I did not join P L to gain favour but one thing you have accused me of is not reading posts properly, well I have news for you, over on PL I read all the posts regarding Abez and his illness, not one comment from you, but you had the gall to PM me when I posted on the 10th march saying I was a little down, I still have that Pm and it alerted me to you and the type of person YOU ARE, on the 10th March I was posting on this blog and you tought you had an ally in me Doh you got that one wrong sweetie. Now with regard to all these eminent people investigating for you let me guess they must all be called GOSSIP.
    Get real get over yourself and lets get to the point shall we. HAND BACK MILO SO HE CAN BE WITH JJ!!!!! Bet ya dare not let this be posted?????

  14. UKPR Watch said...
    I can assure you that some very relevant third parties have indeed, read the blog in detail.

    And, no, my having a 'problem' and 'hate campaign' were certainly not amongst the informed responses.

    You keep saying things like this implying that you have the full force of the police or the RSPCA or any other authority behind you - yet is was shown that the RSPCA have no issues and I am sure that any other authority will do the same.
    I think it is strange that we have UKPR waiting to be contacted by your authorities but still the phone does not ring - and i guess the reason for this is that they have done nothing illegal.

    You grip to your comments about selling cites listed birds but this does not stand up when they are making donations and it can be proved that donations are not always taken where it is not required so this is not payment.

    you are twisting events for your own personal gain and I think you are on a power trip here and on your own blog.

    Time and time again you post insults and accusations at people and think that is ok because you are holier than thou - but when it is reversed you kick out at these poeple saying that they are twisted and all liars.
    If you are shown to of lied as in the RSPCA investigation you turn it round on your blog that you could not of known so that is ok and you are now dealing with DEFRA.

    When they say that there is no issue what then? who will be next? how will you twist the truth to your own gain then?

    And by far the biggest crime here in my opinion is that you have caused others to follow you, for whatever reason - i know of people and know people who are not agreeing with you any more and they are now in a place where they have lost their ties with friends in the avian world.

    I hope that the court case comes around soon to resolve this - I hope that DEFRA finish their investigations (if there is one) and in your words if they find that UKPR are immoral or illegal I will post a public apology.

    Good job your man forgives 'eh

    Yours Bill

    (ps I see I am silenced on your blog now and none of my posts appear even if they are not repeated comments)

  15. Oh dear Flakey, Caron here. Firstly, may I say how regrettable it is that you would appear to have taken such grave offence at my never having passing comment on Abez and his illness on the PL forum and explain why that was... Both yours and Steve's posts were made on the 'topics & chat of general interest' and 'soapbox' boards and, as I am not a subscriber, I was unable to post on there to publicly offer the sympathy I, like everyone else, obviously felt at the time. Perhaps I might point out that not all of us are given to personal outpourings and I did not feel that PM'ing either you or Steve, was appropriate at that time as I was a relative newcomer to the forum, a stranger to both of you and would have simply felt 'intrusive' doing so.

    When I PM'd you on the 10th March the situation was slightly different... You had commented on this blog and so I felt, established 'contact' of sorts yourself. Yes, I read your thread on PL about feeling down as Steve's birthday approached and felt compelled to offer my condolences, for no other reason than simple human compassion. How on earth you manage to take offence to that is completely beyond me but I can assure you that I have no need whatsoever to garner favour or create 'allies' by that or any other means and it takes a pretty warped imagination to construe it that way!

    I wish you well.

  16. The one disguised as Bill-top.

    Quote: You grip to your comments about selling cites listed birds but this does not stand up when they are making donations and it can be proved that donations are not always taken where it is not required so this is not payment.: End quote

    Trying to sell a Cites listed bird for money disguised as a donation is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE!!!

    Who is twisting what?

    Here is the evidence.

    Mylo £200 donation

    Attempting to obtain money under any circumstances for an endangered species is highly illegal. As the profile states, the intent to obtain £200 for Mylo is there for all to see.

    Your another one who chooses to ignore the facts.

    You can continue twisting the truth as you seek to defend your friend's, thats your choice, you do want to take over charge of UKPR after all.

  17. I see that nothing has been said in mylos profile about him having allergies to perfumes and aftershave!! lol

  18. I would like to confirm that no mention was ever made to me of Mylo having an allergy to anything.

    Regardless of whether this information had been provided or not... Like any conscientous bird keeper, I am perfectly aware of the highly sensitive respiratory systems of ALL parrots and take the necessary precautionary measures regarding toxins (airborne and otherwise) with all the birds in my care.


  19. For you flakey,

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    Joined: 04 Aug 2008
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    Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 5:13 pm Post subject: Strange


    That the donations thread was locked and seems to have been forgot about. Alanh was allowed for over a week to stalk jebirds call her to high heaven and get away with it and when members then have a go back at him the thread is locked. He should have been sent packing (banned) to cause upset on his own forum.
    I'll be very wary in future as to what I contribute to in the future on this forum. xxxx
    I’m not afraid of dying; it’s something we all do
    But I’m scared to death of living –

  20. this is my point caren, dosn't look like anyone was told....they make things up as they go along......

  21. And another for you Flakey... Seems hell hath frozen over!


    Joined: 04 Aug 2008
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    PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:01 am Post subject: Reply with quote
    I have been struggling with this thread not because I had nothing to say but finding a way to say something without getting banned.

    Alan h sorry but whatever you do or did for that rescue that can't be mentioned here, you have done that rescue no favours, I'd freeze in hell before help/assist it with the attitude you have shown, no place is worth supporting if it has workers or volunteers like you in its ranks.
    I’m not afraid of dying; it’s something we all do
    But I’m scared to death of living –
    The rest of my life without you.

  22. Flakey,you will be saying next that UKPR, are victims of there own success..Flakey

    Joined: 04 Aug 2008
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    Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:34 pm Post subject:


    As I see things right now jebirds is a victim of her own sucess and a victim to members of other forums. The last three upsets on here have been caused by these members hijacking threads and turning them into an assinination attempt on jebirds integrity, ( a woman of compassion and respect). How many times will they be allowed to do this?

    I don't mean to question or slate any moderator on these boards but as a simple member I do at times feel the need to question why they are allowed to do this.

    My opening post says most of what I feel and as i said I will be very careful now as to when and on what I post about.

    You see flakey those people were allowed to question june, she has nothing to hide.

    What does that say about the forum you have turned to, who will ban anyone who dare to question.

  23. PMSL!!! Flakey by name and Flakey by nature!

  24. Disguised as Bill Top?? Whats that all about then?? Take over UKPR!! What!!

    The madness continues and we still get no where - where is this police task force and their ensuing investigation?? I hear no knocking!!

  25. Bill-Top said...

    Disguised as Bill Top?? Whats that all about then??

    So that's your real name is it Mr Top? Or shall we call you Bill? PMSL!

  26. bill is just fine as i feel we know each other now!!

  27. PM results in on Cherry, PM was done and permission granted by original owner to display on ukpr. PM done by H. Brown.

    Seems caron/paul have an apology to submit!

  28. excuse my ignorance but I have looked on the ukpr forum as a guest and cant find the pm. Can someone please point me in the right direction?

  29. That is very interesting - a pm on a female eclectus, not dated, bird has no ring and no mention of any other form of identification.

    Seems caron/paul have an apology to submit!

    Why ?

  30. concerned
    It is only visible to he chosen few
    That is what ukpr are all about
    I like you would expect tranparency from a rescue ?

  31. Only visible to those who are still allowed access to the forum because they don't have the bottle/intelligence to pose awkward questions.

  32. omg cant u see the private details have been blanked out,what do u want BLOOD ???????

    so so sad..........

    poor cherrys owner having to read all the crap you all spout ...

  33. Why would identification details be blanked out?

    Of what possible confidential nature could that be?

  34. ermm maybe owners name and address and contact number,ukpr unlike caron dont pass on private details ..........

    as cherrys former owner states ukpr watch had taken pics and names without asking!!!!!!

  35. If it is a legal document, it should be dated
    That must be confidential too..or incriminating

  36. ermm maybe owners name and address and contact number,ukpr unlike caron dont pass on private details ..........

    Why would anyone elses details be on the pm other than ukpr's.
    We are talking about a bird that was theirs arent we ?

  37. seem to recall seeing pics and names and pm's on ukpr blog that i don't suppose were asked for either?

    positive identification of the bird the pm was carried out on is hardly confidential but rather pertinent as proof it was actually the bird in question!

  38. Why cant you just accept this? Why are you insistent in dragging the memory of Cherry through the dirt? Why are you continuing to hurt her original owner?

    You have seen Cherry yourselves Caron and Paul, You know in your hearts that this is Cherry. Please please let this drop. Think about her owner, not ukpr, not yourselves but her..

  39. amazing, nothing is ever good enough for caron and paul, your word is worthless to those who do not wear your rose tinted glasses.
    UKPR I would stop trying to communicate over these blogs now it is pointless, it is very easy to type away having had the time to compose your version of the truth but i wonder how c and p will do in court?
    get your papers posted and see them in court over mylo and let defra deal with their complaints if they really are going to, which i doubt.

  40. Anonymous said...

    ermm maybe owners name and address and contact number,ukpr unlike caron dont pass on private details ..........

    Why would anyone elses details be on the pm other than ukpr's.
    We are talking about a bird that was theirs arent we ?

    Funny you should mention that as Jay told us that Cherry belonged to him not UKPR, as "Alan had 'arranged' it for him" and that NO ONE would be taking her off him.

  41. whats it got to do with you lot anyway?

    its between ukpr and cherrys former owners.

  42. How old was Cherry ? does anyone know ?

  43. Anonymous said...
    How old was Cherry ? does anyone know ?

    I would think the only person that could tell you that is her original owner..

  44. Can someone explain why it was not listed on UKPR forum that Cherry was rehomed with Jay? It was only brought out into the open once UKPR Watch exposed it?

  45. Oh... I thought you at ukpr would have all the info. on this poor unfortunate bird.
    Sorry... perhaps a silly question.

  46. Wonder what happened to Coco the male eclectus that went to alan.h too??

    Anyone heard anything of him?

  47. And I wonder what happened to all the investigations that were supposedly taking place?
    Come on guys give it all up - both sides call a truce and return all the stolen birds pmsl, seems like more than ukpr have skeletons.
    This is better than Eastenders!

  48. Also, why was the other eclectus that went to one of the mods also not announced on the UKPR forum. What was the big secret of not telling anyone? Why was it so hush hush?

  49. Anonymous said...
    Wonder what happened to Coco the male eclectus that went to alan.h too??

    Yes Ive been wondering about Coco also!
    His picture is on the home page of ukpr,but no mention of him in the rehomed birds..
    The last I recall of Coco was on their old forum,Alan H was going to look for a mate for him to help with his plucking.

  50. Doesn't he breed eclectus now? maybe some one can clarify.

  51. Would that be alan.h the BREEDER?

  52. And when someone said about a galah going missing - they said they had never had a galah..
    This is sounding suspect to me now if what you lot are saying is true

  53. Investigation or not - this lot dont sound like they should be trusted with anyones birds

  54. Can I ask a question?

    What does all this have to do with sorting out the original problem of getting Mylo and JJ back together?

  55. "Doesn't he breed eclectus now? maybe some one can clarify"

    ............Red sided eclectus

  56. exactly it doesnt,the whole mylo and jj thing has been lost by lies and insults but the holy two?

  57. I dont think it was ever just about sorting out getting mylo and jj back together, that was a part of it.
    This so called rescue, or to be correct, the people who run it needed exposing for what they are.
    They have tried to silence everyone who has spoken out before, it was only a matter of time before someone had the gaul to turn the tables.

  58. Can I ask a question?

    What does all this have to do with sorting out the original problem of getting Mylo and JJ back together?

    Seems like this situation is at a stalemate. As UK Parrot rescue were in the wrong to start with they should send JJ up to Mylo where he was initially ment to go in the first place.

  59. coco is on ukpr`s forum if i`m correct, with a nice new hand made playstand, you may try to fool people by saying he`s on the old forum etc etc and not been seen since but you cant mislead everyone
    or are you now going to say coco is a breeding bird LOL

  60. And who has Coco with his new playstand ?

  61. And when someone said about a galah going missing - they said they had never had a galah..
    This is sounding suspect to me now if what you lot are saying is true

    27 March 2009 14:38

    coco is not a galah lol..

  62. Alan does of course

  63. Come on Al, you must have one hell of a house, to house all these "Pet" birds youve had GIVEN ....... Cockatoos,Eclectus, and not forgetting the jardines.Yes a nice little earner you got going.

  64. Come on Al, you must have one hell of a house, to house all these "Pet" birds youve had GIVEN ....... Cockatoos,Eclectus, and not forgetting the jardines.Yes a nice little earner you got going.

    And a young baby to deal with as well

  65. 16 bed farmhouse dont you know lol

    sorry couldnt resist but i`m not Alan LOL

    but he as just posted in a different section

  66. What jardines?

  67. and caron must with 17 birds,and no job pmsl

    the dole must pay good feeding all of them?

  68. Anonymous said...

    Come on Al, you must have one hell of a house, to house all these "Pet" birds youve had GIVEN ....... Cockatoos,Eclectus, and not forgetting the jardines.Yes a nice little earner you got going.

    And a young baby to deal with as well

    not to mention the hyacinth macaw and palm cockatoo

  69. LOLOLOL!! Assumption really is the mother of all f*** ups isn't it!!

  70. Come on Al, you must have one hell of a house, to house all these "Pet" birds youve had GIVEN ....... Cockatoos,Eclectus, and not forgetting the jardines.Yes a nice little earner you got going.

    And a young baby to deal with as well

    not to mention the hyacinth macaw and palm cockatoo

    Dont forget the latest round of chicks to hand rear

  71. tho shalt no swear lol

  72. does alan still hand rear ??

  73. UKPR Watch said...

    LOLOLOL!! Assumption really is the mother of all f*** ups isn't it!!

    wasnt it you who assumed alan was advertising for a female greater sulpher ?

  74. why would you come on as PL member...?

    Do you think it gives you credibility?

    does alan still hand rear ??
    is this question for alan ?

  75. !! guys this is ridiculous - the credebility of UKPR Watch is going down hill with all this bitching and backbiting!

  76. Anonymous said...
    and caron must with 17 birds,and no job pmsl

    the dole must pay good feeding all of them?

    PMSL - you missed the 5 kids and the fact she has student in her profile!!
    And they have the cheek to have a pop at alan!

    The dole is not that good - maybe caron and paul are breeding the birds and then making there money up from the chicks!
    Shall we start a new blog exposing caron and paul as benefit frauds and bird exploiters? i amsure if we do it in just the right way using just the right words it will get a group of followers!!

  77. any update on how mylo and jj are please?

  78. where did the macaw end up that caron stated she turned down pebbles for?

  79. Anonymous said...

    why would you come on as PL member...?

    Do you think it gives you credibility?

    what, you really think alan is me LOL

  80. My personal circumstances are completely irrelevant and the wild speculations about them are frankly hilarious! You people really do need to get a grip and stop trying to divert the attention from the real issues here.

    For those who are interested... Mylo is doing fantastically well here. He's a very happy boy indeed and enjoying all the love, care and attention he deserves. It's just a huge sadness to everyone that JJ isn't afforded the same happiness.

  81. i amsure if we do it in just the right way using just the right words it will get a group of followers!!

    Its called being grown up,using the right words as you put it. If issues were discussed in an adult manner then people might be happier with any answers given.
    Not surprisingly questions are being asked about how this rescue is run, the attitude and childish mentality of its supporters on here are not a exactly an endorsement of professionalism. The sad thing is that with the attacks that have been launched, it is obvious to the majority that it is someone in authority on ukpr that is resorting to these tactics.
    If you want to be treat like grownups then start acting like it instead of throwing your toys out of the crib to get your owm
    You never know, you might even earn a little respect.

    And yes , what is the latest on mylo and jj

  82. what did mylos vet results come back as,have you had them yet?

  83. For those who are interested... Mylo is doing fantastically well here. He's a very happy boy indeed and enjoying all the love, care and attention he deserves. It's just a huge sadness to everyone that JJ isn't afforded the same happiness.

    28 March 2009 05:39

    how do you know that?

    just asking,ive seen about the plucking but how is she now?

  84. ment about jj not mlyo

  85. The question still remains unanswered though. What where the test results for Mylo? Or have they not come back yet???

  86. lets hope they came back ok?

  87. Still waiting for Mylo's test results to come back.

  88. if mylo had of one to a specialist avian vet you would have had them back by now

  89. Was an avian vet used for the hans macaw thats in 2cay2 care?

  90. And how is JJ ?
    Another unanswered question!!

    Forgot to say can only get answers on here, its gone quiet on your forum with regards JJ.

  91. No photos of JJ and her alleged 'accelerated plucking' either... wonder why?

  92. why because maybe its nothing to do with you lot ?

  93. but nothing on your forum!

    dont your members have a right to know??
    Oh no i forgot, only what suits the owner....

  94. lol but caron's personal life has everything to do with 'you lot'? hypocrites!

  95. they put a fake post mortem report on their forum so they can probably rustle up some photoshopped pics of jj as 'evidence' of her plucking

  96. Hey, dont joke abuot things like that. These lot are capable of anything

  97. no joke. that post mortem could have been for any female eclectus - no date, no identification, no name of owner...

    they must think everyone is as stupid as they are

  98. Anonymous said...

    they put a fake post mortem report on their forum so they can probably rustle up some photoshopped pics of jj as 'evidence' of her plucking
    28 March 2009 13:08

    are you calling a well respected AVIAN vet a liar ???

  99. Nope.

    The post mortem was signed by Nigel Harcourt-Brown and had been carried out on an "old" female eclectus.

    However, what date that document was produced and on WHICH particular eclectus hen is open to question. All reference to these all important details were blanked out in the PM report shown on UKPR's forum.

  100. The post mortem was signed by Nigel Harcourt-Brown and had been carried out on an "old" female eclectus.
    If you wish to quote things, then I would suggest you do it correctly.. The pm said... 'heart disease is becoming more common because we see older birds more frequently'... It did not say it was an 'old' eclectus...

  101. And the date the PM was performed or the name of the person requesting it?

    Or is that "confidential"?

    And why would Alan have taken the bird to H.Brown when he has stated many times that 'his' vet is Matt Brash?

    Why did Jay (who drives all over the country on UKPR 'business') not take the bird but leave to Alan? (whose time is too consumed with his own affairs and has had to 'step down' from his UKPR office)

    Smell a rat anyone????

  102. I wont tell give you that information, I dont have it..

    Does it matter which vet the pm was done through? Its an avian vet, what is the problem there?

    Did you speak to Jay after this happened? Do you actualy know how upset he was? Have you PAUL had to take a dead bird to have a pm done? Do you know how upseting that is?

    Smell a rat? No I dont actualy, I can see someone who is like a dog with a bone, who doesnt know when to let go of something that is factual..

  103. Sorry to shatter your illusions but I'm not Paul. Do you think Paul is the only person who can see UKPR's feeble attempt to pull the wool over peoples eyes here?

    I do know how upsetting it is to lose a bird.

    I also know there has been no FACTUAL evidence that the PM report that has been produced was on Cherry.

  104. Show us the date of the pm !

    And reading the pm over again, does read as if she was an old bird, sorry but have to agree with caron on that one.

  105. Anonymous said...
    I wont tell give you that information, I dont have it..

    should that be i cant give you ???? lol

  106. I also know there has been no FACTUAL evidence that the PM report that has been produced was on Cherry.
    Paul and Caron seen Cherry with thier own eyes, they know exactly what condition Cherry was in. So far nothing has been answered on that one.

    I am not going to bother posting on here again, because no matter how hard I try you DONT and WONT accept what is the truth.

  107. they can probably rustle up some photoshopped pics of jj as 'evidence' of her plucking

    why would they have to when jj has already been seen by a top avain vet,the evidence is with the vet that shes started plucking if needed at court?

    so photoshopped pics are NOT needed

  108. JJ was already plucked long before Mylo wasn't with her. That was clear from the pics Adele posted on your forum.

    Why no recent pics of her if the plucking is now worse?

    Or is that "confidential" and "nobody's business" either?

  109. adele wrote on the mylo and jj thread, and stated that it was MYLO plucking her,jj only started doing it herself when mylo went?

    why do you need pics?
    are you a top vet aswell?

    from what ive read adele had set her photobucket to private as certain people are using her pics on blogs with out her permission?

    even her phone number was posted at one stage aparently,so i dont blame her!!!!

    the only ones who will need to see jj is the people who are investigating i imagine?

  110. And the date the PM was performed or the name of the person requesting it?

    Or is that "confidential"?

    And why would Alan have taken the bird to H.Brown when he has stated many times that 'his' vet is Matt Brash?

    Why did Jay (who drives all over the country on UKPR 'business') not take the bird but leave to Alan? (whose time is too consumed with his own affairs and has had to 'step down' from his UKPR office)

    the details were omitted as i`m sure Alan wouldnt want his home address and phone number plastered all over your blog, Alan is registered with mat brash, and harcourt brown, who are both leading avian vets, i also know that cherry`s previous owner has spoken with harcourt brown, Alan has a very busy life as i`m sure you all agree lookin after his birds raising a young family and WORKING for a living isnt easy
    Alan did step down from ukpr a few months back due to all this but because of the lies and liable you have written about ukpr he returned, a very admirable thing to do in my opinion, rats dont jump back on to a sinking ship, so its because of you he returned to ukpr, the only good thing you have achieved

    Alan has given me permission to post this, but i`m sure you will try to manufacture yet more lies out of it
    face facts and admit your wrong

  111. What date was the pm done ?
