Thursday 19 March 2009

A Light In The Dark

I have been watching the madness that is the 'Milo and JJ situation' from it's birth, i for one am appalled and ashamed at the way this whole situation has been handled.

UKPR for those who do not know are an Internet Parrot forum that are 'handed' birds to re home through their chat forum. An idea, which in its purest form is of good and light, the Internet is a fantastic way of reaching people who may or not be looking. Their 'Leader', the individual in charge is a 'Vikky', i cannot comment from real experience on Vikky as i have never met her, but as she is the 'leader' of UKPR then all responsibility rests solely on her, such is life.

I am an ex member of UKPR, who made the choice to leave UKPR over the 'Milo & JJ' incident, Having worked for a number of Animal rescues, i am fully aware and awake to the 'Darker Practices' of Animal Rescue, leaving me vigilant ever more so. UKPR's decision to re home Milo & JJ with Caron, was probably the only realistic decision they ever made in my eyes, Caron was not what you'd call a 'buzz member' on the UKPR forum, which the majority of birds are 'awarded' to, Caron's life wasn't on display for everybody else to see, she always answered my open questions with great knowledge and confidence when nobody else would, which is a rarity on the forum, basically Caron has been the catalyst to make things happen, i truly believe that the majority of 'members' on UKPR feel as i do, inside they know that what has happened with Milo and JJ is wrong, simply due to Vikky, But are choosing to stick to the crowd, choosing to follow, following the Shepherd, and why...because they 'feel' they know Vikky, she's always about on the forum, she is the great leader, whereas they do not know Caron as she simply kept herself to herself, commenting only when she felt necessary. People are afraid of what they don't know, like the darkness,what you must see is that Caron has been a light, a shining example of morality, care and love.

Lets turn the tables on the whole situation then maybe those who are still unsure of which way to look may find the answer -

Now lets just say that for purpose of getting my point across Caron Is in Adele's Position and Adele is in Caron's.

So lets say Caron has been looking after Milo & JJ for six months now, she has been diagnosed with the early stages of a serious condition 'bird fanciers lung', so she chooses to re home the two of them along with their cage through UKPR

  1. Adele is chosen as their new carer
  2. Arrangements are made for Milo & JJ to be collected from Caron's and taken to Adele's
  3. Transport arrives, the two birds have what has been called a 'serious' fight, with one taking injury, so Caron makes the decision to send one of the 'bonded' birds to Adele's
  4. One bird arrives with Adele, stressed, alone and smelling of smoke
  5. Adele does her best to settle the bird and comfort him
  6. Adele then poses questions on the forum regarding the injured birds conditon and the whereabouts of their cage, which was supposed to be travelling with them
  7. After various comments are passed back and forth over the forum with regards to the cage, Adele is then banned from UKPR by Vikky
  8. Caron then decides she wants the bird that is with Adele back, stating that she can now house them appropriately in what was a spare bedroom

What would Adele have done? would she have handed Milo back to Caron? Would she have stressed that it would be best for the two of them to be together with herself, considering Caron has been diagnosed with the early stages of a serious condition and has made it publicly known that she has no regard for her own health, ultimately leading to no regard for the health or well being of her family, would she really hand Milo back knowing all of this while she has also been blackened by UKPR for asking very simple questions?

I really hope that every single person reading this, given the circumstances would have done the same as Caron as i know i would have, i have gone through a similar situation to this and have made it well known that i will fight to the death for the bird in question. I think even you Vikky, deep down, you know what has happened is wrong. For those who feel too weak to leave UKPR because it may be all some people have, there is life after UKPR.

Use UKPR as an example of what happens when there are no rules, no good leaders and no true thoughts.

Breeders Cannot Run A Rescue and have the true welfare of birds at their forefront. People breed animals for money, for status and to play god.

There is no sense in madness, it is like a man in his shop selling cheap alcohol to alcoholics, watching their lives fall apart then charging them to help them pick up the pieces, all the time continuing his circle.

If most of us are ashamed of shabby clothes and shoddy furniture, let us be more ashamed of shabby ideas and shoddy philosophies... It would be a sad situation if the wrapper were better than the meat wrapped inside it.”


  1. Thanks for starting yet another blog full of lies gem

  2. Still fighting the good fight gem? manage to steal any birds from the sanctuary yet? did you manage to sneak an undercover activist in yet?

  3. Yes i am still fighting the good fight thanks. No i have not stolen any birds and as for activists, thats been out of my hands for a very long time. And the point of your comment was what exactly? You can dig up as much as you like Vikky, my blog is my opinion on what i see to be a very bad situation on your part. Funny how you hardly said two words to me on your forum, yet the minute i create my own blog you're here.

  4. Do as you see fit gem,i will be doing the same

  5. ha ha they (ukpr) sussed u out quick pmsl

    made me giggle so so funny .....

  6. Dont let them bring you down Silent Shout, its the tactic they use to silence anybody who disagrees with them. They have the faithful few who circle for the verbal kill so that you will no longer speak your truth.

    They are a bunch of liars!!!

    Usually they ban people on their forum who have their own opinions, but they cant do that here because this is your platform.

    God bless you and we are looking forward to more of your writings, as we know many more are now too.

    Light will always prevail over Darkness.

  7. I'll second that, 'Light WILL ALWAYS prevail over darkness'

  8. ok, so whats the purpose of this blog? is it as per ukprwatch an anti ukpr blog or your opinions on animal welfare issues?
    if the latter will we see some opinions on other rescues both good and bad?

  9. same as i say ukpr dont get too dont know what is round the corner do caron says dont let em bring you down silentshout.

  10. Anonymous

    When you hear about something, or read something that really strikes a nerve, im assuming you do as i am doing and voice your opinion. This is what my blog was created for, my plan for this blog is to highlight certain grey areas with regards to animal rescue. The Milo&JJ situation has been the catalyst for this blog.

    My blog is my opinion, you do not have to read it, you do not have to comment, if however you do read it and then feel the need to submit a comment i will be publishing them all. I am a firm believer in Freedom Of Speech, regardless of the situation.

    "If you are thinking...You are winning"

  11. thanks for that silentshout, i have been involved in number of animal rights groups myself and i am always keen for the bad elements of rescues to be shown and corrected.
    my personal thoughts on ukpr are that they do good, certainly more good than harm and support them as such, ignoring the mylo and jj situation what are your thoughts? (i ask only as i am concerned that one situation should not take away from what a group do)
    it would be good to see some informative sections on your blog around what people can do to support animal welfare, also maybe a section to seek the opinions of others on what makes a good rescue so we could agree some benchmarks that rescues could be measured against.

  12. Anonymous

    My personal opinion on UKPR is this, as i have already said, i believe UKPR was created with good intent. I am in the understanding that the milo&jj incident is not the first of its kind. After watching this event unfold on the forum, my gut instinct told me it was wrong, i even showed the Milo&JJ thread to my partner, who has very little interest in such topics, but immediately confirmed my gut feeling…that something was very wrong here. When UKPR declared that it was ran by breeders and many of its members were breeders some time ago, although it went against my personal feelings on the matter, i gave the forum the benefit of the doubt. I was welcomed into the group, all was well for several months, I then took time away from the internet to concentrate on my life, leaving the forum for maybe 6+months, I returned to the forum and half of the members i had come to know had been banned, id missed what had exactly happened, but the atmosphere had dramatically changed.

    The Milo&JJ situation has simply reconfirmed my personal feelings against breeding of animals, leading me to feel strongly against breeders running a rescue. I really do not see how the two can be running on the same path and hold the same philosophies.

    I do however believe that 2 heads are better than one and yes there needs to be certain benchmarks set for Animal rescues. The Avian Welfare Coalition sets what I believe to be the basic formula to an honest, productive and caring policy that should be applied to all rescues.

  13. Hi,
    Would you like to comment on this.

    I'm quite disturbed by it.

    Fly Free Our Darling Chel Bel
    Author Message

    Posts: 152
    Group: Registered
    Joined: Jul 2008
    Status: Offline
    Reputation: 3
    Post: #1 Fly Free Our Darling Chel Bel

    Had the saddest news today, Chel Bel passed away on Wednesday night.... Looks like she had been a poorly girl for some time and her poor little body couldn't take anymore.

    For those of you that don't know, I rehomed Cherry through UKPR last July in the hope that she would overcome her depression (since we had a little boy) and stop the severe plucking. She was staying with Jay whom I'm ever thankful to and know he put all his efforts into getting her back on track but, for Chel Bel, it just wasn't meant to be.

    As Jay will tell you, she was a little sweetheart on a good day and a fiesty little fighter always!!!!

    Rest in peace my sweet little birdie, you'll be forever in our hearts...

  14. Robert,

    I’m afraid I am unaware of this situation, from what I can gather, Jay had been the birds main carer, who had been ill for some time and subsequently passed away as a result of whatever this poor bird was suffering from?

    Any light you can shed on this matter would be greatly appreciated

  15. My concerns are that from what i can gather this poor bird was a plucker, birds do not die from plucking alone, what was wrong with this bird? was it being treated? have they had a PM done?
    And why did it take4 days to let the owner know?

  16. Ahh i see, well it is another prime opportunity to pose the question to UKPR if the bird in question was taken to a qualified avian vet and what was the diagnosis, or was an amateur judgement made?

    The money that is taken in the form of a donation should be used in instances such as the one mentioned.

    You raise a perfectly valid point with regards to a PM after the birds death, i would doubt that this took place as the owner was under the impression from what i can gather that the bird died as a result of plucking.

    Yes, why 4 days to inform the 'concerned owner'?

    It would seem UKPR will have alot more questions to answer than they originally anticipated.

  17. Shame on you Gem, im so saddened to see you resorting to such tactics. I really thought more of you than this. Good luck with your rant, I never took you as a follower, how wrong can one person be. You are another person that is going to look awfully silly once the truth has been shown to all. Such a shame Gem, ive never felt so dissapointed since reading carons rubbish, but, life goes on.

  18. I cannot help the way i feel about this matter, same as you, i am not going to apologise about the way i feel.

    There is nothing wrong with questioning what you do not know.

  19. Yes a pm was performed and handling of this situation was done with compassion,unlike what is happening here,how on earth can you take something as sad as a birds death an use it as ammunition is your campaign.....shame on you!

    Why does there need to be anything suspicious here,does ukpr have to publish the post mortem results to satisfy your sick mentalities,are you going to question everything posted on ukpr and perform your own post mortem of everything looking for the worse? get out more

  20. I agree with Robert - a post mortem should have been carried out on that bird..................AND IF NOT WHY NOT?

  21. No there is no harm in questioning what you do not know, but it is another matter entirely when the questioning is done in the form of attacks and accusations! I do hope those behind caron/paul/robert like the taste of egg on their faces or should that be face as I think they are one and the same.

  22. Why was'nt my last comment published?....hmmmm

  23. Tell you what...

    Let's end all speculation here and now!

    Put that egg all over your detractors faces and show everyone the post mortem!

    Simple really.

  24. Be careful what you wish for caron and you bobbins aka robert

  25. Oh so you think Paul,Caron and i are of the same LOL,i will take that as a compliment.

    I see ....hmmmmm is back again.

    I think all you anons. are the same, with the exception of 1.

  26. Gem as you seem to be such a good friend of carons and support her all the way maybe you could answer me a few things as ive been banned from posting on carons blog.

    Does it not seem odd to you that caron has now BANNED me from posting? She says its because im asking the same question over and over, now id like you to just skim over the site and see where she answered my question about her confession that she knew about the mass emails sent out and then deleted her post. Well she didnt answer it did she? because she didnt let me post it because she is too afraid to answer it because she was caught out lying.

    you can go and read she is labelling me a 'follower' and keeps mentioning me in various posts but yet i have not got the right to answer? I am not at all a follower i simply corrected caron and highlighted her blantant lie. YES i am a member of ukpr ive had no trouble what so ever on there and also had two birds from ukpr with no trouble, but now caron is saying ukpr is bad should i now be a sheep and remove myself from the site because caron said so. Vikky has been nothing but kind to me so why i should i leave?

    Id like you to look at my posts and honestly ask yourself am i really a follower or do i just have my own mind but because i disagreed with the almighty caron i am labelled something im not because she knows if she says that then many of you will just believe her.

    Here are a few quotes from their blog involoving me

    "Those ‘dead heads’ who choose to ignore the truth and facts can vilify our position over not now letting Mylo go but its meaningless because it just shows you for who you are (Bella)."

    Nice huh? im now a dead head because i gave my opinion. Please go read all my posts and ask yourself does that even make sense to include me in that post or was it just a clever way to drop a name and make you all disbelieve me?

    "Especially you Bella, who was advised to find the truth before attacking people, but declined."

    ANOTHER lie please go and look at my posts i never once refused to find out the truth its actually the complete opposite i said that i was going to do just that and i did! but yet again im not allowed to post that on there. WHY?

    Is this really a woman you want to openly defend? REALLY?

    I wont even comment on the latest doings about the death of someones beloved FAMILY PET for god sake its disgusting.

  27. casper said...
    Be careful what you wish for caron and you bobbins aka robert

    Ha!Ha! i love it, you do not have a clue.

  28. I would just like to confirm that I knew nothing about the mass emails that were sent out until after the event.

    As you were told (repeatedly) and are now being told AGAIN, Bella

    No lie there.

    You are most certainly not 'banned' from posting on the blog, however, repetative questions which have been answered time and again will not be posted to avoid cluttering the thread.


  29. And how long after the emails where sent out did you find out?
    You have stopped ALL of my posts after asking you about your lies and I was never told repeatedly why MY posts werent published where is the evidence of this?

    You really are a compulsive liar you need help!!!

  30. Bella you are getting very boring.

    I have told NO lies.

    And simply cannot be bothered with answering your repetative comments!

  31. OK...........getting bored with all your hype caron

    Heres a very simple analogy even you may understand.

    Ukpr is still running,even after you and your deciples have fired every shot you can think of at them as an organisation and im sure you will continue to do so?.

    In the nearly 4 weeks of this blog all you have done is sprouted assumptions and lies and made yourself a laughing stock to boot.In a month,6 months or a year your sad blogs will vanish into insignificance and ukpr will be a year older a year wiser and still helping birds who need help.Your blog will become a statistic embedded in the 800.000 closed blogs per day.

    You have achieved nothing,your own tiny mind may lead you to think differently but sadly its there for all to see.Everybody at ukpr is not shivering in fear of the '' mass expose'' about to unfold,quite the contuary,they are actually glad they are being prodded and probed as once they have been in full everybody will see the truth.

    Like alan h just quoted '' i have had the misfortune of meeting caron only on one occasion but look forward to meeting her again when i personally collect mylo''....i would concentrate on that if i were you because the day is fast approaching when mr posty brings you glad tidings.

  32. There has been alot more acheived than most may be aware of, but thank you for your input Casper

  33. I think you will find there's a nice little surprise coming your way soon too, Casper!!!

  34. That could almost be construde as a personal threat if i didnt know better8-)

  35. UKPR Watch said...
    Bella you are getting very boring.

    I have told NO lies.

    And simply cannot be bothered with answering your repetative comments!

    24 March 2009 14:24

    Answer them and they will stop its simple really if you have two braincells to rub together? or does paul have to do all the thinking for you? The reason you wont answer them is because you are a liar and everyone will see it for themselves.

  36. Gem you not going to answer any of my questions?

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Bella,

    Unfortunatly i do not have the time to re read every single comment you have made on UKPR watch. Any questions you have directly for myself i will be happy to answer, but i can only reiterate what Caron and Paul have already said to you, if they feel you are repeating yourself then maybe you are misreading what has already been written.

  39. Bella,why are you coming across as being very rude ?
    And can you show me answers to the questions put to your people at ukpr....
    you are becoming very repetitive and boring

  40. No answer what so ever were answered until earlier which is still a lie!!! I asked you a question directly do you really want to be associated with these people? Just because i had a difference in opinion i was called stupid and made out to be a liar.

    UKPR Watch said...
    LOL Bella you are beyond funny. May I suggest you book yourself in for a full psychiatric evaluation at the earliest opportunity?

    24 March 2009 15:30

    And what exactly have i said to make anyone question my sanity? or is it because im exposing you and posing uncomfortable questions that you cant answer?
    You keep pleading with UKPR to send jj to you for the birds sake why not send mylo back then report adele? they will investigate and take the nessesary actions? BTW im waiting for your usual denfensive attacking because ive said something you dont like.

  41. Ahhhh i see you've been backtracking AGAIN caron removing your insulting post. And some people are wondering why ukpr want mylo back asap a woman who clearly cannot control her temper and has to keep backtracking to hide her nasty side. I wouldnt trust you with my toaster let alone a living breathing creature. Maybe you should take a little bit of time out before you post thing in furture.

  42. I haven't seen any mention of JJ on your blog for some time, how is she ?

  43. Bella,

    You are very boring and your questions are uninformed and totally irrelevant.

    I have already wasted too much time responding to your ridiculous comments so please consider the 'mute' button now firmly back on.

  44. Anonymous said...
    Bella,why are you coming across as being very rude ?
    And can you show me answers to the questions put to your people at ukpr....
    you are becoming very repetitive and boring

    24 March 2009 15:47

    Well i do apologise if i have been rude to anyone BUT caron and paul. As i hope you can understand ive been insulted at every opportunity by caron and paul been called stupid, a follower and a dead head as im none of these i find it quite hard to be polite to such a vile and insulting pair of people.

    As for "my people at ukpr" I have no people i am here only to defend myself i have no issues what so ever with ukpr i have very successfully adopted two birds from ukpr and they have been nothing but professional not that anyone is interested in hearing about the successfully side as they wouldnt be enough entertainment would it?

    And i am only repetitive because im not getting truthful answers. And if me trying to get to the truth is to boring for you then im sorry my posts arent entertaining enough =)

  45. Anonymous said...
    I haven't seen any mention of JJ on your blog for some time, how is she ?

    24 March 2009 16:02

    There is recent news about jj on ukpr adele is keeping everyone as up to date as she can on the MYLO & JJ thread. Hope this helps.

  46. Thank you.
    Is jj still plucking? I was told by a very reputable avian vet that cigarette smoke can be a factor in pet birds plucking, maybe you could pass this on.

  47. Caron and Paul have been good enough to post recent pics of Mylo for everyone to see but nobody outside of UKPR has seen any of JJ lately to my knowledge?

  48. Anonymous said...
    Thank you.
    Is jj still plucking? I was told by a very reputable avian vet that cigarette smoke can be a factor in pet birds plucking, maybe you could pass this on.

    25 March 2009 14:06

    Thank you for the tip but adele doesnt smoke around any of her birds she smokes outside. She has only started plucking since having mylo kept away from her sadly.

  49. May I clarify that I was completely unaware that Adele was a smoker before publicly stating that Mylo arrived here stinking to high heaven of cigarette smoke.

  50. Quote, Bella
    She has only started plucking since having mylo kept away from her sadly.

    Oh,I thought jj came into ukprs care as a plucker,
    Photos on the forum suggest to me that jj plucked even with mylo around,please correct me if im wrong.

  51. Anonymous said...

    Oh,I thought jj came into ukprs care as a plucker,
    Photos on the forum suggest to me that jj plucked even with mylo around,please correct me if im wrong.

    25 March 2009 15:51

    Im pretty sure it was a problem of overpreening each other.

  52. According to JJ's fostering profile she came to UKPR as a 'known plucker'

  53. Thank you for the tip but adele doesnt smoke around any of her birds she smokes outside. She has only started plucking since having mylo kept away from her sadly.

    It is a known Fact that nicotine residue on hands is enough to cause a reaction in a sensitive bird. So Adele smoking outside as you say may not be protection enough if she is not washing her hands after a cigarette, and perhaps she is spending more time handling JJ since Milo went- could that be an explanation for her recent plucking....I noticed that the vet had given her Metacam, an anti inflammatory, so has she had a reaction to something instead of the psychological plucking response that you are describing.

  54. from what i remember from the thread,it was mylo that plucked jj,she only started doing it herself after mylo went?

  55. Surprise, surprise... Yet another story that Team UKPR can't seem to get straight...

  56. It is a known Fact that nicotine residue on hands is enough to cause a reaction in a sensitive bird. So Adele smoking outside as you say may not be protection enough if she is not washing her hands after a cigarette, and perhaps she is spending more time handling JJ since Milo went- could that be an explanation for her recent plucking....I noticed that the vet had given her Metacam, an anti inflammatory, so has she had a reaction to something instead of the psychological plucking response that you are describing.

    lol how do you know if adele washes her hands or not?

    i though caron quoted that adele has scared to handle the macaws?

    metacam yes is an anti inflammatory,WHICH HELPS WITH IRRITATION

    if shes plucking her skin will be irrateted???

    i see adele took her to a top avain vet he stated 99% it was a delayed reaction from mylo been taken away, he was not just someone who has an interest,so surely he knows...

  57. oops u better get writing an apolgy and quick caron/paul,i see the pm results are back and posted on ukpr?

  58. A quote from an earlier post.

    A Photos on the forum suggest to me that jj plucked even with mylo around,

    Ive seen the photo's and yes that seems correct.

  59. YES because mylo plucked HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    it was well stated by adele who looked after them for 6 months......

    (not 3 weeks and seems to know it all)

  60. A long lengthy grovelling apology is in order, caron & paul seem very keen to post page after page of accusations, assumptions and insults, I wonder if they have the flair for apologies.

    I have yet to see any hard facts, the only things I have seen are threats of this and threats of that. Where is the police investigation? Why have the police not knocked on any doors? Why have they not been and seized any documents or computers?

    My thoughts are that this blog was set up with the sole intention of blowing hot air to makw ukpr back off from claiming Milo back, well the knock is on its way Milo will soon be back with JJ. Good Evening Paul and Caron.

  61. ive just seen cherrys former owner reply re the pm results...

    all who doubted should be discussed with yourselfs...

    i feel sick as a dog...

    shame on you all

  62. Is this about the birds welfare or just to prove a point... I know what the majority think. UKPR you should not have the responsibility for these birds, and I will do my damnedest to make sure that the RSPCA do not place any more bird in your care.

  63. Just to level the playing field a little.

    A quote from Cherry's distraught owner....

    "I just want my Chel Bel to rest in peace and these (in my opinion)mindless morons to leave her and me out of it. The same would have happened to Cherry had she been at home with me but we did for Cherry was what we believed to be for the very best for her at the time. It's been upsetting enough to have to deal with the news of her death let alone to have my name dragged onto a website blog that I have not signed up to nor give permission for them to use my name or Cherry's or her pics which they stole!!!!

    God fearing people someone said they where? well lets hope that god can forgive their trespasses... In my opinion you often find that the nasty people amongst us often hide behind God in the vain hope they wont go to hell for all the nasty nasty evil low down things they say and do...."

  64. I think we can safely say the RSPCA will not be touching UKPR with a proverbial bargepole after the raft of complaints they have received about them over the past few weeks.

  65. the knock is on its way Milo will soon be back with JJ. Good Evening

    well if thats the case ,WHY!! didnt you do that nearly a month ago, you the rescue have let these poor birds be apart with ALL your empty threats.And if people cant see whos at fault here then its god help the birds in YOUR care ukpr.

  66. Anonymous said...
    Is this about the birds welfare or just to prove a point... I know what the majority think. UKPR you should not have the responsibility for these birds, and I will do my damnedest to make sure that the RSPCA do not place any more bird in your care.

    Blah blah blah,and like anyone is going to listen to you,if ukpr was like all the sad antis says then they would have crashed and burned weeks ago,i see a rescue like all rescue,that are attacked by wannabees who dont have the staying power to do it themselves.UKPR'S biggest mistake was getting involved defending themselves to you.All rescues not just bird go through the same thing regualarly and dont bad an eyelid as there used to it,ukpr are a new group so foolishly felt the need to fight back.Im sure they have learnt from it and wont fall for it again.

    In my opinion there a 3 types of people into animal welfare,the extreamists(bombers of labs)....hand on passive activists(fox hunt sabeteurs etc) and arm chair activists who talk the talk but are to shallow and weak to walk the walk

    number 3 applies to caron and paul and most of you on this and there blogs..........loosers

  67. Anonymous said...
    I think we can safely say the RSPCA will not be touching UKPR with a proverbial bargepole after the raft of complaints they have received about them over the past few weeks.

    Perfect example yet again of wannabe asumption,the key phrase once again is i''i think''


  68. Levelling the playing field or shutting things up with the sympathy card.

    a website blog that I have not signed up to nor give permission for them to use my name or Cherry's or her pics which they stole!!!!

    Who has used this persons name and which pictures have been stolen ?
    So how does this person know about this blog ?
    Oh yes.... by the way it has been handled so sensitively on the ukpr forum.

    Get off your ivory tower !

  69. LOL well LET'S SEE if the RSPCA go anywhere near UKPR again shall we?

  70. Is this about the birds welfare or just to prove a point... I know what the majority think. UKPR you should not have the responsibility for these birds, and I will do my damnedest to make sure that the RSPCA do not place any more bird in your care.

    Blah blah blah,and like anyone is going to listen to you

    You may live to regret saying things like that !

  71. Anonymous said...
    LOL well LET'S SEE if the RSPCA go anywhere near UKPR again shall we?

    Too late for that me thinks,they already did...numpty

  72. It's been upsetting enough to have to deal with the news of her death let alone to have my name dragged onto a website blog that I have not signed up to nor give permission for them to use my name or Cherry's or her pics which they stole!!!!

    I feel for you I do, but why would these people at UKPR put you threw all this, telling you what people were saying!! if they hadnt have told you, you would never have known.
    The trouble is.. they at UKPR tell that many lies and cause so much upset to people and birds,, there will be people watching every move they make, and unfortunatly you and poor Cherry were caught up in it.

  73. I'll ask again Paul, where is the police investigation?

    I see you are ranting again my friend.
    And where is the compassion for those that grieve for their lost Cherry? There is none, like there is no apology as you said you'd give. Yet on your other blog visitors are met by scriptures on the main page. It would seem Cherry's owner got you bang to rights, you hide behind God to carry on with your wicked and vile ways! May peace be yours my friend, I do believe you will need peace in your mind and soul before this sage ends.

  74. Presumably those pics and names were already posted on the internet freely available for anyone to see?

    Hardly 'stealing' now is it?!!!

  75. They are not a rescue, there a load of self appointed parrot experts lol ........ playing on a forum... wondering who to ban next..

  76. Slapping eachother on the back and playing on like the band on the Titanic...

  77. Anonymous said...
    I'll ask again Paul, where is the police investigation?

    I see you are ranting again my friend.
    And where is the compassion for those that grieve for their lost Cherry? There is none, like there is no apology as you said you'd give. Yet on your other blog visitors are met by scriptures on the main page. It would seem Cherry's owner got you bang to rights, you hide behind God to carry on with your wicked and vile ways! May peace be yours my friend, I do believe you will need peace in your mind and soul before this sage ends.

    Oh please stop your dribble,you at UKPR have said for over 3 weeks that Mylo was STOLEN from you, you have the paper work to prove it........

  78. Oh the irony...

    Check out todays quote at the head of the pitiful attempt at a blog that Vikky created........

    The key to wisdom is this - constant and frequent questioning, for by doubting we are led to question and by questioning we arrive at the truth. - Peter Abelard

    methinks she might like to ponder that one!

  79. really hope mylo is out of your home asap

    Apart from that comment, you could have been talking to ukpr. I wouldnt trust them....end of !
