Saturday 21 March 2009

Avian Welfare Resource Centre

For those interested in Avian Welfare

An article on Animal Sanctuaries -

An article supporting an end to breeding


  1. I'd just like to be the first congratulate you on your blog and thank you warmly for your kind, supportive words.

    It's wonderful to know there are like-minded individuals out there who really do care about these amazing creatures that so many see as simply another commodity to exploit.

    God bless you x

  2. dont breed dont buy adopt is what i beleave in.i said this on ukpr forum and allmost got baned by queen can now under stand why.thanks silentshout for supporting caron and paul in the right fight for milo and jj.

  3. Thank you for your words of support, i would be supporting the same even if it were with somebody else. Mick-sue fisher, if you are not already familiar with the Avian Welfare Coalition, then hop on over to their website and check out their philosphies

    They also have the backing and work alongside two very good UK based Parrot Rescue's.

  4. i see that safehaven parrot refuge is one.i dont know if you saw what i wrote on ukpr.but i am a aco and transporter for safehaven.and that i was willing to help ukpr as well,but would still be 100 recent behind safehaven and i would help them both but never got a look in after that.all my birds belong safehaven and i have been a member 9years.christine thinks about the birds and she devotes most of her time rehomeing the birds with the right people.i see that safehaven is one which is listed on awr list of uk parrot rescue.this country should have one with the same philosphies as awr and some one to answer to when things go tits up sameas at the moment.

  5. if you kneed any help setting any thing up,regards animal or parrot welfare you got me behind you all the way.will help how i can.

  6. Thanks for that mick-sue, im sure your knowledge will help immensely

  7. Mick-sue, could i ask,what you thought were the bad practices of The NPS? I have always been intrigued to ask, i have never been there myself and would be very intersted to hear from someone who has first hand knowledge as there is alot of hear say about. If you do not want to post openly about this then please feel free to email me -

  8. dont breed dont buy adopt is what i beleave in.i said this on ukpr forum and allmost got baned by queen can now under stand why.thanks silentshout for supporting caron and paul in the right fight for milo and jj.

    emm didnt you used to breed dogs mick in dirty conditions in manky sheds,and the rspca did you 4 it lol?

  9. i will tell you now.come up with a name as i want to talk to you .i have never ever bred any animal nore have i ever been in trouble with the rspca ever and will never be in trouble with them,i have been in truble but not for being cruiel to animals.but have been done for gbh-and abh and other assaults on humans.if i ever find who you are i will make sure i will and i promise you .i will have you for slander and defermation of chariter,if you think you are good lets play in court.i promise i am going to see a solisiter on monday if i do happen to find out who you are you are defenatly going going to court.if you want put a name to your face and letts go.sorry caron to put this on but if any one has a clue to who this is please let me know i want the person in court,and i wont rest now so look out.

  10. i forgot to tell you i all so got done for threat to kill .that is it.if i find who it is me and my wife will and i say will make you eat them words you have put down.come on mr or mrs big mouth lets have a name.

  11. i.p addresses are easy to trace mick-sue.

    One thing everyone has come to realise who is sitting on the opposite side of UKPR is that they tell 'blatant lies' about people, hoping that they will sway the minds of those who do not know the truth.

    It might be effective in the short term to those not intelligent enough to question and discern right from wrong, but the truth always shines through in the end.

  12. if you want give isp dave mcadam or isp keith ellis isp ian callingham isp edwards all rspca inspectors which i have worked with.allso chief isp tim minty .you will know if i fined who you are.

  13. by the way you can check up on my record,you wont fined any rspca prosictions.but if you check up on the police records you will fined some as i say.i know if you ask adell to look she will fined them for

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. As for putting a name to their ridiculous comments... There is no way they are brave enough to do that!

    They are even trying to claim that we would write their vile remarks ourselves and then try to attribute them to Team UKPR in some kind of effort to 'discredit' them.

    Anybody who has had dealings with these people can recognise the authors and the fact that their nastiness is a well known trait. No need for anyone to discredit the likes of them as they do a good enough job themselves.

  16. Dont let them get to you mick-sue, we all know what they do with their lies, its an old worn tactic that those on the receiving end know all too well.

    That is why there is absolutely nothing that can be believed when they state it.

    You only have to have a proper read through our blog to see that!

    And they call themselves a rescue as if they are caring people who love birds.

    I call it EXPLOITATION!!!

  17. I see mick-suefisher, thrown out of a swan rescue now admitting to GBH and Threats to kill, seems we have the creme da la creme supporting ukprWatch. Keep going the rope is tightening around your necks.

  18. mick-sue fisher has the courage to put his name to his comments and admit any past wrongdoings...

    Unlike the UKPR cowards who skulk behind anonymous threats and accusations then think they can lie their way out of anything.

  19. i just love it.rope may be tighening ,but i wont be standing on the trap door when the handel is pulled got it.

  20. Seems to me with your record of swan, dog and human abuse you should have been at the end of a rope some time ago!

  21. UKPR Watch said...

    As for putting a name to their ridiculous comments... There is no way they are brave enough to do that!

    They are even trying to claim that we would write their vile remarks ourselves and then try to attribute them to Team UKPR in some kind of effort to 'discredit' them.

    and are you not saying that the poor eclectus`s pm report was forged, you sick sick people, spare a thought for her owner and show some compassion, i have read your perverted blog and feel truly saddened at how you conduct yourselves, truly shameful

  22. I would say dodging the truth and using emotional subterfuge to silence perfectly valid questions and cover up lies... is what is truly shameful.

  23. As stated last nite cherrys previous owner doesnt come on these blogs, YOU on ukpr are doing all the damage by shouting the odds and trying to score points on YOUR parrot RESCUE forum.

    honestly people its about time this mishmash bunch of attentions seeking hypocrites were brought to justice.

  24. Seems to me with your record of swan, dog and human abuse you should have been at the end of a rope some time ago!

    And what may I ask has mick-sue fisher done to you that deserves the accusations that you are throwing at them, apart from speaking out of turn and backing Caron and Paul.
    This seems to be a bad habit of yours, throwing dirt at anyone who dares to speak out against ukpr or is even seen to be in some way a threat to your glorious leader.
    One thing I detest intensely is a bully, and you are too cowardly to be called the playground bully, they have a name and a face, but like you they hide behind others of the same mentality.
    You have my name and email address if you want to contact me or reinstate my username Bobbins and you have my pm address. I dont need anonimity to speak to a cowardly moron like you...So either back it up or butt out !

    If you are being allowed the honour of standing up here as the representative of ukpr, that goes to show the awareness they have to the strength of feeling that is building against them, or perhaps they really do think that it does not matter what anyone outside your little group thinks.
    Ive got news for you and you need to wake up from your self righteous dreaming.
    What was it that was said last week, thanks to these blogs your forum was buzzing and you have had so many offers of homes for rescued birds ?
    Theo the OWA isnt attracting too many offers, apart from Jay who is being pushed towards it.
    Alan had to bump his rehoming post today.
    Open your eyes ukpr, people like this anon. bully are heading you straight into a car wreck.

  25. mick-sue fisher said...
    sorry caron to put this on but if any one has a clue to who this is please let me know i want the person in court,and i wont rest now so look out.

    28 March 2009 09:27

    This just shows who is pulling your strings!!! Last time i checked this was GEMS blog not Carons so why appologise to caron? Maybe you should remove her hand from up your backside and stop being played like a puppet.

    NOTICE the name put to the comment as i certainly am not afraid of people like you who threaten with violence.

  26. Oh dear Bella is back with her totally unthought through and irrelevant comments...


    mick-sue is probably referring to me as it was ME who asked him not to rise to the nasty, childish and abusive comments being posted both on my blog and this one.

    See Bella, simple really :)

  27. Looks like the playground bullies have been up to their old tricks according to c & ps blog!

  28. UKPR Watch said...
    Oh dear Bella is back with her totally unthought through and irrelevant comments...


    mick-sue is probably referring to me as it was ME who asked him not to rise to the nasty, childish and abusive comments being posted both on my blog and this one.

    See Bella, simple really :)

    29 March 2009 12:00

    Shame that mute button didnt stay on longer isnt it.
    It was a comment to mick sue fisher not you but thank you for the reply anyway.

  29. It was a comment to mick sue fisher not you but thank you for the reply anyway.

    mick-sue have probably had enough from you lot over the last couple of days

  30. EVERYONE but the deluded faithful few has had enough from UKPR that's why these blogs are here!
