Monday 23 March 2009

Know Your Sanctuary

A useful guide put togther outlining legitimate, top quality rescue.,%20Top%20Quality%20Rescue%20%26%20Sanctuary%20Organizations.html


  1. i find the guide verry there any way you could get a national news paper,sponcer this advice and run a small story on parrot rescue and what is happening with the rescue side and the abuse.

  2. i think thats hardly good practice from another bird thief lol

  3. Yeah that would be great - go national it might speed up the process for getting this all sorted out.
    I mean the RSPCA have openly said they have no issues with UKPR so lets get this said on the 7th page of the sun as well.

    The arguments put on this blog and the other all revolve around a few things!! not and this is important EVERYTHING that that rescue does!!
    For every negative story you can tell there are 75 good news stories
    Every negative thing I have seen on these blogs is backed up only by peoples words not hard evidence and these are all disgruntled people (the word evidence also means "to be seen") phrases like "what would you do" and "You decide" follow a diatribe where the reader is led not to read two equal arguments but to read 1 biased argument and one overtly negative argument.

    Soon this will all come to a head and I wonder who will be left standing with their dignity and who will look shame faced - I am not a member of either group so I can afford to watch with interest without the fear of my name being tarnished - but the bird community is a small one and this stuff sticks!!

  4. I have shown this blog and other published material relating to the Mylo & JJ situation, as well as posing the ethical decision that needed to be made to unbiased persons and received positive and supportive feedback supporting our cause. Even though it may not be immediately evident we have a strong backbone of support, please do not overlook those who wish to remain anonymous. The Mylo & JJ situation has certainly divided many within the world of rescue.

  5. hope you are not calling me a thief.if you are will you meet me face to face,i will gladly come to you.

  6. Heres your page 7 of the sun newspaper story.

    UK Bird rescue who are recieving birds from the RSPCA have attempted to sell an protected bird illegaly, and they have knowingly handed over other high value ones to a convicted bird smuggler and breeder.

    A bunch of bird breeders who knew the problems associated with their trade came up with a business plan to exploit the darker side of it.

    The business plan:

    This same group of breeders masquarading as rescuers know the countries top breeder who is also a convicted smuggler of endangered birds. This breeder has large facilities for his trade, and it is known that several high value rescue birds were given to him by UKPR.


    Harry Sissens:

    This bird rescue organisation have also been found to be trying to sell an endangered bird which is highly illegal in the UK. This bird was signed over to them by the RSPCA.

    Selling a Cites bird:

    Rescue birds are ending up in the hands of this group, and when possible they are sold on to foster familes, with the group always keeping ownership of the birds.

    Donation policy:

    They operate their rescue like a criminal organisation with threats of violence and intimidation against anyone who crosses them.

    UKPR heavies:

    How low will they go:

    Rescue birds having their rights and welfare trampled underfoot, dying in their care.

    Cherry the Eclectus:

    The majority of the population do not know about this world of parrot rescue, and that includes those who currently own pet birds who might at somepoint in the future need to rehome theirs with an organisation just like this one.

    UKPR business practices:

    A very nice Sun page 7 story.

  7. Anonymous... You may well skulk behind your anonymity with a foot in each camp in order to prevent your "name being tarnished". However, some of us have a stronger sense of personal identity than that and are prepared to speak out when we see people and defenceless creatures being trampled underfoot and exploited in the name of greed and vanity.

    I personally couldn't give a flying **** about being respected or popular within the "bird community" regardless of how big or small it may be... My life is about a bit more than that! Perhaps issues such as integrity and standing by our principles are more important when it comes to keeping our dignity intact and our heads held high?

  8. hahahahahahahahahahahhahah

  9. Anonymous said...


    That says it all really doesn't it 'anon'!

    And perfectly illustrates the difference between people who actually CARE about bird welfare and those who are here simply to liven their lives up with a bit of anonymous stirring.

  10. its not about what people will think of you c and p rather the poor folk you sucked in at the start who now see the truth, and the people you have still got sucked in who will see the truth.
    you may not care what people think of you and thats fine, but the truth is that you do not care who you hurt and also do not care what happens to your folllowers who do care what others think.

  11. mick and sue fisher said:said...
    hope you are not calling me a thief.if you are will you meet me face to face,i will gladly come to you.

    I was refering to gemma not you,but if you really want to meet me come ed fat man,your too old and too fat to scare anybody

  12. Anonymous,

    You are a refering to me as a bird theif, on what grounds?

  13. On the grounds that your bird was given to you whilst sick for you to rehabilitate and you moved and kept it from the sanctuary....................please dont say im lying and yes they want it back

  14. You really are a nasty piece of work

  15. Well considering ukpr has been accused of stealing birds when they hav'nt i thought i would let you know how it feels................not nice is it?

    Im a nasty piece of work?.........pmsl you aint seen nothing yet ;-)

  16. Why am i nasty,tell me you hav'nt kept your bird against the owners wishes.....not nice being accused of things is it gemma?

  17. Where have I accused you of stealing birds? please show me where I have stated this

  18. So you are saying you have been told you can keep your bird is that correct?

    Simple life lesson gemma,if you start a blog to expose people for doing good dont get annoyed when you yourself end up under the spotlight............thats how it works im affraid

  19. I asked you to show me where I had accused you of stealing birds. You cannot because i have not accused you of stealing. My blog, is my blog i did not invite you to comment on here, you did that yourself. I set my blog up to talk about how I feel you poorly handled the Mylo & JJ situation, if other individuals are using my blog to accuse you of theft then that is something you need to take up with them. The situation you are determined to air, you know nothing about.

  20. I handled nothing im not part of any group im me,and trust me i know alot more about you than you know about me that is obvious.

    Let me explain things to you in simple terms gemma.If i had a party at my flat and a person got drunk and started on another person who would be responsible to ask them to leave?

    This blog is your flat you are responsible for comments allowed to be published here no one else,if someone posts slander in the sun regarding a celeb,does the person being slandered go to the person or the press for publishing it?

  21. As i have already stated, my blog is an open house as it were, i believe in freedom of speech, i have not censored anything, even your comments. I am NOT responsible for what others write, for me to censor individuals posts would be hypocritical. If you want to monitor/censor what is being said you should allow people to openly air their views on your blog or forum.

  22. If you are for freedom of speech why do posts need to be approved? its no different to prison warders reading mail before its sent?

    Now i have looked through your blog and yes i admit you have not accused anyone of stealing to ''you'' i apologise.

    Can you clarify for me who has legal ownership of your orange winged amazon from you ex employer and is he aware you have no intension of returning it,seems keeping birds without the owners concent is common place amoungst poster on this blog and the other histerical blog.

  23. Notice how team UKPR are on their forum spouting about ignoring what's being said on the blogs

    Quote alan.h... "to be honest i avnt looked on their bog for over a week now as nothing they say worry`s me nor interests me"

    And here they are... Every day signing in under 'anonymous' and thinking no one recognises the authors of their nasty mouthed, semi-literate rants

  24. Anonymous said...
    I see our armchair legal expert has turned up again... LOL

    One would imagine someone with such knowledge of the law would at least know the difference between slander and libel

    What an idiot!

    OHH horray numpty has finished his pie and mash,good evening mr numpty what joys have you got for us tonight,i wonder if your clever mouth would flap with such gusto if you were in a local bar face to face with men? your a little dweeb pal.

  25. Approving posts is an easy way for me to manage my blog.

    Can i just clarify who i am talking to?

  26. You knowing my identity wont change a thing will it i can register as mr blobby or simon williams im still annon dont you think,why dont you ask mr numpty who he is or is it just me you have a problem with?

  27. Well it would be nice if people didnt use 'Anonymous' everytime they posted a comment. I dont know about you, but when i have a conversation i atleast need a inclination as to who it is i am communicating with.

  28. ukprwatch said...
    Notice how team UKPR are on their forum spouting about ignoring what's being said on the blogs

    Quote alan.h... "to be honest i avnt looked on their bog for over a week now as nothing they say worry`s me nor interests me"

    And here they are... Every day signing in under 'anonymous' and thinking no one recognises the authors of their nasty mouthed, semi-literate rants

    27 March 2009 14:06

    I got hte link to this blog caron/paul from your own blog,i got the link from ukprwatch blog from a mass email sent to me via pl so what has alan h or ukpr got to do with it?

    Face facts there are more people that hate you than ukpr members trust me

  29. Ahh Paul the manic mouth is with us, another night of spell biinding entertainment no doubt awaits us.

    What dark theories have you tonight Paul? Have you spoke to the editor of the sun yet? Have you had any updates at all from DEFRA or the Police? You seem to be very quiet about those as topics for conversations.

  30. silent shout and ukpr watch are obviously amongst the few who have the courage of their convictions and willing to lay claim to their comments.

    Easy to be brave when skulking behind an anon tag isn't it Vikky/Alan/etc.

  31. freedom is a wonderfull thing gem, I applaud your belief in freedom of speech but i question it also.
    It is a philisophical dichotomey when we discuss freedom - if I stop a drunk from drinking do i save their life or do i remove their freedom?
    If i stop a murderer from killing do I save a life or do i stop someone from having freedom of choice?
    C and P have decided that they will not allow freedom of speech because of the repetative nature of their questioners....or is it because they wish only to show the truth according to the gospel of saint caron and her familiar.
    do you wish to allow freedom of speech when it then degrades itslef into a slanging match on your blog and so then what is your blog achieving???
    So is it to be all or nothing as you choose now or the half truths as edited by your comrades?

    A difficult choice!!

    I asked you a while ago why you were doing this blog when there was one already set out to bring down UKPR and i was led to believe that this blog would be about animal welfare and your beliefs on its principles - whoever it is not it is simply you jumping on the band wagon albeit to late really.
    This is not about animal rights - stand in a field being whipped by huntsman while you save the life of a fox or stand at the gates of life science buildings stopping the traffic of animals and then you and I are on the same playing field otherwise you are just playing at this.

  32. And sorry to disappoint but Paul isn't here but when he is you will note he has the balls to put his name to his comments... Unlike some!

  33. lol your paranoia is getting the better of you now paul/ me when i say i am not vicky alan or anything to do with ukpr,im not even a member of there website,what i am is an individual who has bird interest and have beem around from day 1 of your blog,at first your clever editing had me swaying in your favour but that soon changed when i witnesed what sick individuals you actually are,i along with countless pl members were nearly sucked in until your true motives showed themselves.Shame really you very nearly had alot of people fooled.

  34. Notice how team UKPR are on their forum spouting about ignoring what's being said on the blogs

    Quote alan.h... "to be honest i avnt looked on their bog for over a week now as nothing they say worry`s me nor interests me"

    And here they are... Every day signing in under 'anonymous' and thinking no one recognises the authors of their nasty mouthed, semi-literate rants

    oops i thought u were banned u said?

    so do you have a spy viewing ukpr or have you registerd under a FALSE name?

    mmm dishonest AGAIN

  35. Quote from anon "Face facts there are more people that hate you than ukpr members trust me"

    PMSL!!! Oh PURLEEEESE!!! how old are you?????

    Grow up.

  36. Ahh Paul the manic mouth is with us, another night of spell biinding entertainment no doubt awaits us.

    What dark theories have you tonight Paul? Have you spoke to the editor of the sun yet? Have you had any updates at all from DEFRA or the Police? You seem to be very quiet about those as topics for conversations.

    maybe paul and caron should do something better with their time,that posting crap..

    oh i have an idea?????


  37. Bill top,

    This blog is not my life, as i am sure it is not yours, my blog is a work in progress, i have said to to others who have enquired, i will be adding more when i am ready to do so

  38. well blogs are caron and pauls life atm i think,maybe a tip,spend some time with your birds,and opps the one that isnt YOURS lol...

    oh and if you have anytime left


    I PAY FOR YOUR DOLE !!!!!!!!!!!

  39. No spies or false names required.

    I regularly receive emails from UKPR forum members with screenshots etc that they think might be of interest to us and other concerned parties.

  40. Dole dossers???

    You need to check your information!

  41. come on you even made the rspca pay for mylos vet check!

  42. You need to catch up on your reading anon.

    Mylo's vet check was arranged through the RSPCA in the interests of transparency, so everything was done above board and on record so there could be no accusations of biased vet reports.

    An alien concept to UKPR.

  43. you should have gone the pdsa its free aswell lol...

  44. said...
    Quote from anon "Face facts there are more people that hate you than ukpr members trust me"

    PMSL!!! Oh PURLEEEESE!!! how old are you?????

    Grow up.

    About half your age caron im 35 ;-0
    am i in with a shout or what you obviously like em young

  45. so why didnt he see an avian vet then?????????

    oh and whats his results?

    seeing as its been nearly 4 weeks now?

  46. this will be my fist and final post !
    i am not afraid to use my real id, unlike caron who hid behind me on PL over my questioning of june, and now professes to be her biggest supporter, these blogs dont cause me concern and only show the small mindedness of people, i can rise above the lies and liable posted !
    no doubt my appearance will excite you and you will try to goad me, you may try, but i am an honest person ! that is something you can only aspire to be, you may not think that the people involved with cherry deserve YOUR approval but Kayley DOES deserve an apology for your treatment of her loss, swallow you pride and be true to your word

  47. Nope, you most definitely are not 'in with a shout'... I like "'em" with a bit of intelligence, integrity and individuality you see... Which safely counts you out.

  48. ukpr watch said...
    Nope, you most definitely are not 'in with a shout'... I like "'em" with a bit of intelligence, integrity and individuality you see... Which safely counts you out.

    Oh bugger,how about if i grew a goaty,invested in a few cool hoodies,and learn't how to build pc's,you can help me with my people skills,spelling etc i would even go to nightschool and learn how to steal parrots to make you proud

  49. Nope, you most definitely are not 'in with a shout'... I like "'em" with a bit of intelligence, integrity and individuality you see... Which safely counts you out

    please you only dumped the last one in feb lol...

    wonder what your faith says about sex before marrige and living in sin?

    seeing as you quote the bible enough?

  50. How on earth do you people at ukpr expect anybody to take you seriously when you have idiots posting this sort of rubbish.........
    This to me just shows the nastiness of the people we are dealing with, and to say it in the open, (although anonymous) makes me wounder just what has been said to those ex members of UKPR

  51. It appears you are disturbingly obsessed with my personal life and relationships 'anon'

    I wonder what that's all about???

  52. Isnt it funny how the UKPR supporters come out with such shit, whats peoples relationships got to do with any of this.

    Oh and to Anonymous that posted
    - you should have gone the pdsa its free aswell lol... -

    You obviously go there yourself to know its free.......i take it you dont give them a donation you tight arse

  53. Hopefully, the reason we decided to moderate the comments on our own blog is now clearly apparent to everyone.

    These puerile slanging matches have nothing whatsoever to do with bird welfare or the sorry situation of Mylo and JJ and are of no interest to anyone other than the idiots who are lowering themselves to the level of writing them.

  54. Its that little weasle flakeybobrobboy, hes a nasty little git,it shows up on his posts,

    He cant wait to run tell em all on their forum.

  55. Hello,just finished reading this thread and wish now i hadn't,it is like reading my childrens facebook or msn,is this actually for real or some kind of joke?.

    Im sure the creator of this blog had no intension of it turning into a farce but it has and anyone viewing it as a neutral will soon click the little red x

  56. Anonymous said...
    You knowing my identity wont change a thing will it i can register as mr blobby

    this perhaps suits your profile more than most know VIKKY/SCOTT. LOL

  57. UKPR Watch said...
    Hopefully, the reason we decided to moderate the comments on our own blog is now clearly apparent to everyone.

    These puerile slanging matches have nothing whatsoever to do with bird welfare or the sorry situation of Mylo and JJ and are of no interest to anyone other than the idiots who are lowering themselves to the level of writing them.

    I am amazed - I agree with you on something!!

    Gem I do appreciate your policy for freedom of speech but we do not need another UKPR Blog and it is turning into a mess.
    Keep the blog for the animal rights point of view but loose this stuff its detracting from any real issue and anyone that reads this will soon move on or join in the fun!

  58. gem shes using you to post her and pauls nasty comments !

    she moderates her blog but posts on yours?

  59. Bill Top,

    If Individuals choose to abuse my blog that is up to them, i cannot now suddenly choose to moderate and remove comments. The damage they have caused by arguing amongst themselves has already been done. All of the pettyness displayed on here will soon wear off, as im guessing this is the first real opprtunity some have really had to say what they like. This is what happens when you give people the choice, i understand that.

  60. Anyone reading back through this blog will quickly realise that the nasty/personal comments have all eminated from the UKPR supporter camp.

    C & P have remained remarkably restrained and dignified under the circumstances!

  61. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    You knowing my identity wont change a thing will it i can register as mr blobby

    this perhaps suits your profile more than most know VIKKY/SCOTT. LOL

    says the person also posting as annon,if your so sure i am vicky/scott thats you satisfied now why dont you reveal who you might be or evn better come call me mr blobby to my face? tosser

  62. The odd few might even decide to act like adults eventually.
    UKPR need to think about the damage they are doing to themselves and their image in the parrot world, instead of trying to inflict damage on others repuations with their childlike postings and downright nastiness.

    I was disgusted by the moronic ranting on here last night and I do not wish to be a part of ukpr any longer and I am sure I wont be the last to realise. Vikky, you showed your true colours last night.

  63. Anyone reading back through this blog will quickly realise that the nasty/personal comments have all eminated from the UKPR supporter camp.

    C & P have remained remarkably restrained and dignified under the circumstances!

    You are not wrong there |
    And these people want respect as animal rescuers.
    Still have the bullies onboard I see !

  64. pmsl........calling vikky for what exactly,is she here,is she interested in this or any other blog,from what i can see no one has posted on here called vikky but yet again freaks like you continue to slag her in her absence.........get a life

  65. Anonymous said...
    Its that little weasle flakeybobrobboy, hes a nasty little git,it shows up on his posts,

    no your wrong,most nasty comments are coming from carons followers as abouve,check back and look properly

  66. pmsl........calling vikky for what exactly,is she here,is she interested in this or any other blog,from what i can see no one has posted on here called vikky but yet again freaks like you continue to slag her in her absence.........get a life

    Ha! You are preceded by your wonderful reputation

    Vikky, maybe not in name no, but her and Scott do have a reputation for things like this... never too far away from a good scrap.
    You do like to dish out the insults and abuse, dont you !
    Leopards NEVER change their spots.

  67. Who is scott?i take it he is vikkys husband?what has he got to do with it?

  68. her and Scott do have a reputation for things like this... never too far away from a good scrap.

    Self explanatory !
    And not just on parrot forums !

  69. grow up you loosers!!!

    thought this blog was about animal welfare?

  70. Thats what we talking about.. aint it LOL ??

  71. thought this blog was about animal welfare?

    It has been rumoured that Ukpr was about animal welfare aswell ?

  72. BTW losers is one O like Blobby !

  73. no the loosers with be caron and paul when mylo is handed back to jj ...

    oops lost a bird worth a lot of money and never got a cage free aswell,or another expensive hybrid macaw,and had to pay damages AT COURT aswell...

    ermmm you better both find a job QUICK !!!!

  74. Ermmmm,nobody told you , small claims court dont award damages.
    The only losers are gonna be the birds you muppets cause all the donations are gonna be wasted on legal fees

  75. Blobby as in... not Scott or Vikky but just someone who got terribly offended by the suggestion it was... And I quote...
    Anonymous said...

    You knowing my identity wont change a thing will it i can register as mr blobby

    this perhaps suits your profile more than most know VIKKY/SCOTT. LOL

    says the person also posting as annon,if your so sure i am vicky/scott thats you satisfied now why dont you reveal who you might be or evn better come call me mr blobby to my face? tosser

    A person who not only thinks 'loser' has two 'o's but also thinks 'anon' has two 'n's... Now who could that be???

    HINT: UKPR forum posts by 'supernanny'

    Oh dear who was at the back of the queue when they handed out brains?

  76. Listen up everyone!

    On the evidence of what they have written on this blog..

    Ask yourselves this...

    If the duty of care of Mylo was in your hands?

    Would YOU want to hand the poor bird over to these people????

  77. I am going to be brutaly honest now.. I have read all three of the blogs. I have made my own mind up on this one.
    I dont think the birds should stay with either of the parties. They should be handed over the an unbiased 3rd party, now that is going to start the ball rolling again isnt it? Who is a suitable 3rd party, I dont know, but, there has to be one out there.
    You keep on about duty of care Mylo, where is the care in keeping him away from JJ? This isnt about Caron, Paul, Vikky, Adele, UKPR or anyone, this is about two birds that should be together.
    So why dont you all stop bitching about each other and sort something out?

    Paul Caron, please dont come back at me with sarcastic comments, I have posted on here and I have said what alot of people are possibly thinking now. This has gone on long enough. How much longer are the birds to be apart?

  78. The evidence of what and written by whome?ukpr has nearly 800 members are you saying vikky/alan/adele etc are all posting on this blog...........get a grip woman

  79. 800 members? LOLOLOLOL!

    Check out the forum there are a little core clique group of maybe a dozen people posting on there.

    The member list is an absolute joke as the vast majority of those people are banned - Note they are not marked as such as that would show just how farcical the situation is!

  80. The evidence of what and written by whome?ukpr has nearly 800 members are you saying vikky/alan/adele etc are all posting on this blog...........get a grip woman

    I would challenge whether a lot of the members actually exist.
    I recall watching their membership swell by dozens at a time in the early hours of the morning LOL, what sorry people that have to resort to creating their friends.... isnt there a name for that ?

  81. PMSL!!!! That is hilarious!!!

    Creating imaginary friends.. How sad is that?!!!!

  82. This is a comment for silentshout ::::

    you as publisher of this blog site are approving posts before they are added to the pages
    which dont get me worng,is a good thing,but i dont see any moderating happening?
    i thought from what i gathered,that this blog would have a serious undertone to it,
    i am totally disgusted at what i am reading on here,as i am sure a lot of readers are,you have the potential to reach many people with this site and send out a serious message that will help the avian world,this blog however,is certainly not helping anyone least of all the birds,my suggestion would be to wipe this blog from the face of the earth,it's embarassing not only for genuine bird keepers to read,but you are embarassing yourself by allowing this to happen,start another blog and do the good you intended to do,keep the macaw situation on the blog it origionated from,and start a fresh with another blog,and hopefully 2nd time around it will mean something other than playground sqabbling's.

  83. Anonymous,

    I see no point in starting a new blog, what certain individuals have used this blog for just demonstrates what a mixed bag are actually involving themselves with such a serious matter. It simply demonstrates how low some will stoop to get a point across, considering they must not have anything of real worth to say on the matter. I ignore these individuals and I would hope others do too.

    The volume of ridiculous comments has actually reduced since other users of this blog have stated the obvious, what these people are saying is inappropriate. This is what I hoped would happen, as it would have taken more than myself to make these people realise that what they are doing is simply reducing any credibility they may have had.

    I believe this blog perfectly demonstrates the three sided coin, you have the people for, the people against and the ones in the middle who either sit on the fence or spout malicious drivel.

    It would be interesting to see what you, whoever you are has to say on the Mylo and JJ situation yourself?

  84. I am going to be brutaly honest now.. I have read all three of the blogs. I have made my own mind up on this one.
    I dont think the birds should stay with either of the parties. They should be handed over the an unbiased 3rd party, now that is going to start the ball rolling again isnt it? Who is a suitable 3rd party, I dont know, but, there has to be one out there.
    You keep on about duty of care Mylo, where is the care in keeping him away from JJ? This isnt about Caron, Paul, Vikky, Adele, UKPR or anyone, this is about two birds that should be together.
    So why dont you all stop bitching about each other and sort something out?

    this was already agreed by vicky and adele but caron backed out of the agreement!

  85. LOL is it any wonder Team UKPR would like to see this blog vanish off the face of the earth?

    It has really shown them up as the nasty, deceitful individuals they are so of course they want it removed!...

    Just like they remove any thread/post/member on their forum as soon as anything reveals the true character of UKPR and those behind it.

    How unfortunate for them that this time it's not up to them what is censored and what isn't!

    Good for you Gem x

  86. UKPRWATCH i am neither ONE OF YOUR FOLLOWERS or AFOLLOWER OF UKPR i am indeed what silentshout has called a fence sitter,i chose to remain anonymous as i have the right to do so!
    as for what i think about the Mylo and JJ situation is that if caron had concerns about their welfare on the day she was asked to return him,she should have done so and then reported her concerns to the relevant authorities to investigate,if carons concerns were such that she did not feel it safe to return Mylo to where he had origionated from,then a 3rd party should have been introduced into the situation to care for the birds until this had all been thrashed out and a conclusion made

  87. i think works both ways?

    ive also read what you have wrote to people?

  88. Sat on the fence anon.

    My opinion is that the birds were the responsibility of ukpr, they shouldn't have been split in the first place.
    A responsible rescue wouldn't have sent Mylo without his partner, but this has all been said before and its going round and round in circles. Let the authorities do their job!!

  89. Sat on the fence anon.

    Can I please just point out that Mylo was in no fit state to travel the day after he arrived here. He was in a bad way on the Sunday evening, which is why he was immediately booked into see a vet that didn't involve the further stress of a three hour round journey for the poor little boy.

    UKPR have made light of Mylo's respiratory condition dismissing it as "just an allergy" nothing to worry about and even tried to blame it on the totally fabricated claim that we were "covered in scent"

    Both the vet and our opinion is that the stress of being torn away from JJ, bundled into a dog crate and very obviously exposed to cigarette smoke had caused a relapse of what is by UKPR's own admission a long standing condition the bird has suffered from.

    There is no way on earth I was going to hand Mylo back over to UKPR's highly incompetent driver that day and truly believe no caring person in their right mind would have done so either.

  90. UKPR Watch said

    "Both the vet and our opinion is that the stress of being torn away from JJ, bundled into a dog crate and very obviously exposed to cigarette smoke had caused a relapse of what is by UKPR's own admission a long standing condition the bird has suffered from".

    Any chance of seeing the vet report on the above quote?

  91. I would like to ask UKPR a very serious question without sarcasm please !

    Do you have vet reports on Mylo's previous treatments? as is stated, this is a long term illness...also on his profile you have put that he is chlamydia tested and micro chipped

  92. I see you answer a question with a question.

    You see I am not of UKPR just an observer. What you fail to see is you ask for factual evidence and when it is given there are cries of Frogery, the PM report was photo cropped.

    You see from a bystanders stand point it would seem that you too are short of factual evidence and I'm sorry because people tell you things do not make it true or Fact as you keep stating.
    Just my opinion, not that it will count to you because your opinion ios all that MATTERS! And again that is evident on both your blogs.

  93. i dont think ukpr will be providing anything to this or any other blog.You asked to see the pm for cherry as you thought she wasnt infact dead but hidden lol.once ukpr foolishly imo published it for the purpose of ukpr watch posting there promised public apology,the apology didnt come and the pm was viewed as fake............not a wise decision really was it because now they wont be showing you evidence of anything,why should they, it will only be called lies photoshopped or fake so whats the point of showing will be waiting a long time for anything from now on i feel

  94. Huh, I'm only an observer asking a question as well, with regards Mylo!
    From what I have seen the pm report could be about any eclectus, why is there no date on it ?
    Just my opinion you understand, I must have a suspicious mind. LOL

  95. I would just like to point out that UKPR have NOT published a PM for the attention of us.

    They posted a PM on their forum which had all identifying details including the date blanked out!

    That proves nothing whatsoever and no apology is required until as we stated, PROOF is provided.

    Frankly it's unimportant whether UKPR wish to show us any evidence as they are going to have no choice but to produce it for the authorities!

  96. Can I please just point out that Mylo was in no fit state to travel the day after he arrived here. He was in a bad way on the Sunday evening, which is why he was immediately booked into see a vet that didn't involve the further stress of a three hour round journey for the poor little boy.

    oh come on you seized him well b4 he was showing signs if illness,its stated on the mylo and jj pages on YOUR BLOG ?

  97. There was obviously something wrong with this bird b4 he made his journey or why else would he attack his mate ?

  98. it has cherrys name on it and the date,address of owner and address of person taking the bird to the vet,do you wish to see them too?

    To be perfectly honest no one in there right mind is going to post further documentation here are they,for one its confidential info i would have thought and two seems nobody here is a ukpr supporter.Why dont you use your head and ring the vet yourselves and ask him what the name was of the ekkie he performred a pm on? oh i forgot its personal info isnt it.Imagine for one moment,ukpr watch or whoever decided to take ukpr to court involving the rspca about this bird saying there pm was fake and it wasnt even the same bird,all ukpr would do is have the vet as chief witness and there case would be out the door?............they have a pm document regarding to cherry end of story?

  99. "oh come on you seized him well b4 he was showing signs if illness,its stated on the mylo and jj pages on YOUR BLOG ?"

    I think you will find that UKPR delivered mylo to Caron - so how could Caron have seized him?

    Do people not read the full facts before commenting!

  100. ukpr watch said:
    Frankly it's unimportant whether UKPR wish to show us any evidence as they are going to have no choice but to produce it for the authorities

    Finally something you say makes sence,if and when any or all authorities ask for documentation whether it be bank statements of whereabouts oof everybird they will get what they ask for in duplicate,if your that conviced ukpr are going to fall you have nothing to worry about do you,the same way if ukpr know they can answer all allegations they too have nothing to worry about?simple really time will reveal alot.

  101. .........they have a pm document regarding to cherry end of story?

    So you think that nobody else reads, outside of the people posting on these blogs.
    You really do not care what anybody thinks outside of your forum, do you.

    Quick question while youre here, who is taking who to court ?

  102. also ukpr delivered mylo to be e/c only at that point,so hes not your bird?

  103. Anonymous said...
    also ukpr delivered mylo to be e/c only at that point,so hes not your bird?

    Was that a question or a statement ?

  104. Anonymous said...
    There was obviously something wrong with this bird b4 he made his journey or why else would he attack his mate ?

    ermmm if you are such an expert you tell us lol?
